FIT Testing and Early Detection of Colon Cancer

A Preventable Form of Cancer

Colon cancer, also referred to as colorectal cancer, is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Colon cancer is also one of the most preventable and treatable forms of cancer with the benefit of early detection. One of the most effective tools in early detection is the Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT), a simple screening method that helps identify potential signs of colorectal cancer before symptoms develop. Understanding how FIT testing works and the critical role it plays in early detection can provide individuals with crucial insight and can significantly reduce their risk of developing advanced-stage colon cancer.

What is FIT Testing?

The Faecal Immunochemical Test is a stool-based screening test designed to detect hidden blood (occult blood) in the faeces. The presence of blood in the stool is a common early indicator of colorectal cancer or precancerous polyps. What sets FIT apart from other stool tests like the guaiac-based faecal occult blood test (gFOBT) is its specificity. The FIT is designed to detect human hemoglobin, specifically from the lower digestive tract. This makes it far more accurate when it comes to detecting blood that is specifically associated with colorectal issues. This can reduce the potential of false positives due to bleeding from other parts of the digestive system, such as from the stomach or upper intestines.

The FIT is non-invasive and can be done in the privacy of your own home. A small stool sample is collected using a specialised kit, which is then sent to a diagnostic lab for analysis. If the test detects blood in the stool, further diagnostic testing such as a colonoscopy is typically recommended to investigate further.

Crucial Early Detection of Colon Cancer

Colorectal cancer typically begins as non-cancerous polyps in the lining of the colon or rectum. While most polyps remain benign, over time they can develop into cancer. Identifying and removing these polyps before they have the chance to turn cancerous is absolutely critical when it comes to treatment and prevention. This is where early detection through regular screening becomes essential.

When colon cancer is detected early, the survivability and chances of successful treatment are significantly higher. A study found that the 5-year overall survival rate for patients with screen-detected colorectal cancer was 83.4%, compared to 57.5% for patients with non-screen-detected cancer. Regular screening, particularly for individuals over the age of 45 or those with a family history of colorectal cancer, can dramatically reduce the risk of late-stage detection.

The Advantages of FIT Testing


FIT testing is non-invasive and does not require any special preparation (like fasting or bowel cleansing). The test can also be carried out in the comfort and privacy of your own home. This can encourage greater participation in FIT screening programs, particularly for individuals who may feel hesitant or nervous about undergoing more invasive procedures.

Able to Detect Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Bleeding

FIT testing is highly sensitive to detecting blood originating from the lower gastrointestinal tract, as opposed to blood detected from a different source. This makes it more likely to be associated with colorectal cancer or polyps, reducing the potential for false positives and unnecessary follow-up treatments and procedures.


FIT testing is comparatively less expensive than other colorectal cancer screening methods. This affordability makes it accessible to far more people, especially in public health settings or for vulnerable individuals. Early detection and more affordable screening also lighten the financial burden for both the individual and the healthcare provider, as it can potentially reduce the need for more expensive, invasive treatment and diagnostics at a later date.

Who Should get a FIT?

Most healthcare institutions recommend FIT testing for adults starting at age 45. This is even more important for individuals with a family history of colon cancer, bowel disease or other risk factors. It is also important to note that FIT testing is not suitable for individuals who already exhibit symptoms of colorectal cancer, such as rectal bleeding, changes in bowel movements or rapid weight loss. In such cases, more immediate diagnostic procedures are recommended to investigate the cause of symptoms.

FIT testing is a powerful tool in the early detection of colon cancer, offering a simple, non-invasive, and cost-effective screening method that can save lives by identifying cancer early. By incorporating regular FIT testing into your health plan, you can significantly reduce your chances of developing advanced colorectal cancer. Early detection and prevention are key, with FIT testing providing an accessible, non-invasive and affordable pathway to catch potential problems before they escalate.

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Our Central London Pathology and Microbiome Lab

Here at Salient Bio, we are at the forefront of wellness testing, occupational health testing and various pathology services, microbiome testing and stool testing at our London-based diagnostic lab. Today, we're going to explore what FIT testing involves, the health benefits it provides and how important FIT testing is in the case of early detection of colorectal cancer.

Our full address is: Salient Bio The Biscuit Factory 100 Drummond Rd London SE16 4DG

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Our experts are standing by to help you with your FIT testing requirements. Please contact us today and we will be happy to help, answer any questions and curate exactly the right service for you and your needs.

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Clinical Review: The information on this page has been reviewed for clinical accuracy by Dr. Marta Ciechonska Ph.D, microbiologist.

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