Stool Testing Lab

We are a London stool testing lab offering rapid stool testing services with a range of white-label and home testing options to suit all clients. Contact our experts today to discuss the right package for your unique business.

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Our Range of Stool Tests

Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)

FIT stool tests identify traces of blood in the stool that are imperceptible to the naked eye. It is commonly used to test for early signs of potential colon cancer. FIT testing is free on the NHS for over 60s, but it is advisable for an individual to have regular FIT tests at any phase in their life.


Calprotectin is a protein biomarker that is present in the faeces when intestinal inflammation occurs. This marker tests levels of calprotectin in stool. It is frequently used to test for inflammation of the intestines, and conditions such as IBS and IBD


Helicobacter pylori is a common bacteria that can infect the stomach and be passed between people. The H.Pylori marker tests for the presence of the bacteria

Pancreatic Elastase (PE1)

Pancreatic elastase is a proteolytic enzyme secreted by the pancreas. It is highly concentrated in stool. This is a popular stool marker which tests for levels of the PE1 enzyme.

We offer stool testing services as part of a range of pathology services including blood pathology services and immunity testing.

Home Stool Sampling Kits

We can provide easy-to-use home sampling kits direct to your clients, or samples can be taken in a clinical setting and forwarded to us. Clients can add their own branding to the home sample kit (sleeve and IFU), or provide their own OC-Sensor tube kits.


A Bespoke Stool Testing Lab Service

Our clients use our services in many different ways and our specialists will be happy to tailor a package to suit your exact requirements. We offer a range of white-labelling options (see below) and can integrate our service seamlessly into your organisation’s service.

A Fast Turnaround

We will typically process your stool samples within 3 days of receipt at our lab (5 days for H.Pylori). Your results are then ready for clinical comment and forwarding to your patient or client. This process can be handled by yourself, or results transmitted directly by Salient Bio.

Track Your Samples Easily

Our digital service means no paperwork or waiting for results to arrive. The progress of all your samples is always available from your online portal. We provide you with barcodes for each sample which can be tracked via the portal, allowing you to easily track and trace all your samples and access your custom reports.

White Labelling Options

We recognise that our clients use our pathology services in different ways and pride ourselves in offering a bespoke service. We have developed three distinct starting points which can be further adapted as required, fitting seamlessly into your brand and service.
White Label Service

White Label Service

Ideal for clients who want to maintain one client-facing brand identity.

Sample is taken by patient and delivered to client. Client registers test and sends to Salient. Salient process test and return results to client for clinical comment and delivery to patient.

Grey Label Service

Grey Label Service

Ideal for clients who do not require an additional follow-up step with their patients.

Sample is taken by patient and delivered to client. Client registers test and sends to Salient. Salient process test and clinical comment is added by client via online portal. Results and clinical comment are communicated to patient by Salient via email.

Home Test Kit Service

Home Test Kit Service

Ideal for clients who want to add a simple home testing solution to their portfolio of healthcare services.

Home testing kit is sent to the patient by Salient. Patient carries out test, registers test using QR code and posts to Salient. Clinical comment is added by client via online portal. Results and clinical comment are communicated to patient by either Salient or client.

White Label Grey Label Home Kit
Test registered with Salient Client Client Patient
Test posted to Salient Client Client Patient
Clinical comment Client Client Client
Results communicated to patient Client Salient (by email) Client or Salient

Our London Stool Testing Lab

We are a London Stool Testing Lab based in Bermondsey, London UK.

Stool Testing - Contact Us

Reach out to us today and one of our experienced clinicians will contact you within 24 hours (normally a lot quicker).

We’ll discuss your needs and the ideal stool testing package for your organisation, answer any questions you have and provide you with a bespoke quote.

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