Pathology Services: The Wellperson Package

We offer an extensive range of blood pathology markers as part of our pathology services. Whilst this provides clients with every possible option they may need, it is often simpler to order a particular group that share relevance to one particular application. For this purpose we offer a range of pre-created packages of markers. These packages have been conceived by listening to feedback from our clients and designed for convenience.

One of our most popular pathology services packages is the Wellperson package, comprising of a range of biomarkers curated to give a holistic overall assessment of a person’s health, with markers including HbA1c, Urea, Creatinine, Full Blood Count (+5 part diff), eGFR, Phosphate, Albumin, Bilirubin, ALP, AST, Gamma GT, Total Protein, Calcium, Uric Acid, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL Non-HDL, HDL % Total, TSH, FT4 & Ferritin.

When utilised together, these diagnostic tests offer a comprehensive overview of an individual’s health, enabling healthcare providers to diagnose, monitor, and manage a wide array of conditions.

HbA1c, Urea, and Creatinine

Diabetes and Kidney Function: HbA1c provides a three-month average of blood glucose levels, essential for diagnosing and managing diabetes. Urea and Creatinine levels, along with eGFR, offer critical information about kidney function, identifying issues like chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the impact of diabetes on renal health.

Full Blood Count (FBC) + 5-part Differential

Overall Health and Immune Function: A Full Blood Count with differential not only reveals anaemia, infections, and clotting issues but also provides insights into the immune system’s health by evaluating the different types of white blood cells.

Phosphate, Calcium, and Albumin

Bone Health and Nutritional Status: These tests are vital for assessing bone metabolism and overall nutritional status. Abnormal levels of phosphate and calcium can indicate bone disorders or parathyroid issues, while albumin reflects liver function and nutritional state.

Liver Function Panel (Bilirubin, ALP, AST, Gamma GT)

Liver Health: This panel evaluates liver function and can help indicate conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and bile duct obstructions. Elevated levels of these markers can signal liver damage or dysfunction.

Total Protein and Ferritin

Nutritional and Iron Status: Measuring total protein levels helps assess liver function and nutritional health. Ferritin indicates the body's iron stores, crucial for diagnosing conditions like iron deficiency anaemia or hemochromatosis (iron overload).

Lipid Profile (Triglycerides, HDL, LDL, Non-HDL, HDL % Total)

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment: A comprehensive lipid profile evaluates the risk of cardiovascular diseases. High levels of LDL and triglycerides, along with low HDL levels, increase the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease. Non-HDL cholesterol and the HDL % Total provide further refinement in risk assessment.

Thyroid Function Tests (TSH, FT4)

Thyroid Health: These tests are essential for diagnosing and managing thyroid disorders. Abnormal TSH and FT4 levels indicate conditions like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, affecting metabolism and overall energy balance.

Uric Acid

Gout and Kidney Stones: Elevated uric acid levels can lead to gout and kidney stones. Monitoring this parameter helps in the prevention and management of these conditions.

Role of the Wellperson package in pathology services

The Wellperson package offers an ideal general screening package and indication of a person’s overall health. It allows healthcare providers to spot potential problems early and act with either a medical intervention or lifestyle advice. It is an ideal first step in working with a patient.

Our Central London pathology services laboratory

We are conveniently situated in Bermondsey, London SE16. For London-based clients have benefit from our central London location to get pathology tests carried out as expediently as possible.

Our full address is: Salient Bio The Biscuit Factory 100 Drummond Rd London SE16 4DG

Contact our pathology services experts

Our experts are standing by to help you with your pathology services requirements. Please contact us today and we will be happy to help, answer any questions and curate exactly the right service for you and your needs.

Contact Us

The information on this page has been reviewed for clinical accuracy by Dr. Marta Ciechonska Ph.D, microbiologist.

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