Pathology Services White Labelling Options

At Salient Bio, we recognise that our clients use our pathology services in many different ways. While some may require fully-outsourced, white label pathology lab services, others simply need to be able to provide a service to their patients without the same consistency in branding.

With this in mind, we work with our clients to create exactly the right service options for their particular application. Whilst we work in a bespoke way with every client, we have developed from experience, three starting points, which can then be tailored to suit you. These starting points are white label, grey label, and home testing.

White label pathology services

White label pathology services are designed for the client who needs to maintain consistent branding to their patient throughout the process, the same as if their samples were processed by an in-house pathology lab.

In this case, the sample is taken by the client’s own phlebotomist and sent by the client to Salient for processing. The sample is processed in our state-of-the-art central London pathology services laboratory, then the results are returned to the client.

The client then adds any required clinical comment to the results and transmits them directly to their patient. There is no mention of Salient in any of the patient-facing material or dealings between patient and client, providing a true white label pathology service from start to finish.

Grey label pathology services

The grey label starting point is appropriate when the client needs to maintain branding in taking the patient’s sample, but where it is not inappropriate, or is even preferable, for the results to be communicated to their patient via a 3rd-party laboratory such as Salient.

As with white-label pathology, the sample is taken by the client’s own phlebotomist and sent to Salient for processing. Results are again communicated to the client and clinical comment added, but instead of the results being communicated to the patient by the client, the results and clinical comment are transmitted directly to the patient by Salient.

This is ideal when it is not necessary for the patient to re-attend to receive the results of their tests. Clinical comment can be added by the client and transmitted to the patient.

Home testing pathology services

Home testing kits are ideal when the client’s service does not include clinical pathology, and simply want to include particular diagnostic services within their offering. It is also appropriate when there is no need for the patient to attend to see a phlebotomist or consultant in the first instance, before the test has been taken and processed.

A home testing kit is sent to the patient, who carries out sample collection in their own home using our finger-prick testing kit and stool testing. The patient then returns the testing kit to Salient by post for processing. Once the test has been processed the results are communicated to you for clinical comment, then the results and clinical comment are communicated to your client by Salient.

For many people this is the cheapest and most convenient option, allowing your client to have any necessary health tests carried out without the inconvenience and expense of visiting an outpatient unit or your offices.

The right option for you

As discussed, these pathology services white labelling options are starting points. We will work with you to find exactly the methodology that fits within your particular service, the way you work with your clients, and the particular packages and biomarkers you require.

See all pathology services

See all pathology services packages

See blood pathology services

Our Central London pathology services laboratory

We are conveniently situated in Bermondsey, London SE16. For London-based clients have benefit from our central London location to get pathology tests carried out as expediently as possible.

Our full address is: Salient Bio The Biscuit Factory 100 Drummond Rd London SE16 4DG

Contact our pathology services experts

Our experts are standing by to help you with your pathology services requirements. Please contact us today and we will be happy to help, answer any questions and curate exactly the right service for you and your needs.

Contact Us

Clinical Review: The information on this page has been reviewed for clinical accuracy by Dr. Marta Ciechonska Ph.D, microbiologist.

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